Media Consent Release

I hereby confirm that all submitted artistic media, be it audio, physical, or digital artwork, is of my own origins and free of any copyright / trademark infringements to include consent of likeness, by third parties.

I attest and consent to release of information regarding the artwork I have submitted to Lefty Lucy and my personal information to include name and city or town of residence. My artwork can be used, re-used, published and re-published in whole or in part in any medium now or hereafter known, and for any purpose whatsoever, including (but not by way of limitation) illustration, promotion, advertising and trade, and websites.

I agree to allow Lefty Lucy to use said artwork and identification of myself the artist without any compensation of any type.
Furthermore, I voluntarily release and discharge Lefty Lucy, its officers, agents, representatives, servants and employees from any and all liability, claims, judgments, demands, costs, causes of action, including without limitation rights of privacy and publicity and damages of any kind for any personal injury, losses or damages, known or unknown, to myself caused by, or arising out of Lefty Lucy’s use of my artwork or the identification of me as the artist.

I have read the foregoing and fully understand the content the use of my artwork as Lefty Lucy sees fit.